(on mobiles, audio and video files are at the bottom of the page; .pdf files do not appear on mobiles and must be viewed and downloaded via computers)
1) Bernard Degavre en concert
Description of the show:
Bernard Degavre is a Belgian author, composer and performer, from Brussels.
These are French songs written and composed by Bernard Degavre (lyrics and music) and some by Barry Mc Neese (music and arrangements).
The repertoire is made up of about twenty songs, half of which are taken from the album "Suis ta route" and the other half of the most popular songs from Bernard's repertoire, the whole alternating songs "up-tempo" and ballads in order to give an alert and diversified rhythm to the show.
Musicians: Philippe Mobers, drums and percussion / Barry Mc Neese, bass / Fabrice Manzini, guitars / Bernard Degavre, guitar, vocals, harmonica.
- General press kit:
- Promotional photos:HERE
- Technical sheet
- ART et VIE (FR) : code number:1508-6: ARTIST SHEET
- Sound system: LOW MAN'S LAND
- Sound files extracted from the show:
- Videos from the show:
Description of the show:
In this new show, we set out to (re)discover French songs with mainly folk colors, their authors, composers and performers (Yves Simon, Maxime Le Forestier, Beau Dommage, Pierre Rapsat, Nicolas Peyrac, ...but also Barbara ) and the themes that inspired them. We will perform these songs alternately with original songs from our own repertoire, making a thematic link between them in the comments that will place the songs in their context.
Musicians: Ariane De Bièvre, flute and percussion / Barry Mc Neese, bass / Patrick De Schuyter, guitars / Bernard Degavre, guitar and vocals.
- presentation file:
- ARTS & LIFE tours: code number:1508-12: ARTIST SHEET
- Technical sheet : on your demand.
- Sound files extracted from the show:
- Videos from the show:
The show invites the public to experience the artist's career since his birth in Alexandria, his rise to Paris and the meeting of Brassens, Piaf, Barbara, May 68, and the arrival of success with "Le Métèque". Then, it will be Moustaki citizen of the world, in Japan, in Latin America and particularly in Brazil who will become the committed Moustaki, loving freedom and defender of democracy.
Musicians: Ariane De Bièvre, flute and percussion / Barry Mc Neese, bass / Patrick De Schuyter, guitars / Bernard Degavre, guitar and vocals.
- Technical sheet : in French and in Dutsh
- Photos of the show:HERE
- Sound files extracted from the show:
- Videos from the show:
- for the press: detailed presentationHERE.
- France: IRMA form:HERE.
Framework decree on the recognition and subsidization of the professional performing arts sector (last modification 14.12.2016 – MB 25.01.2017):HERE
Draft decree on new cultural governance (773 (2018-2019) - No. 1:HERE